Saturday, May 27, 2017

Sweet Summertime!

Happy Summer! A few updates after you dry off from your swim today :]

Interested in summer tutoring? Here is a link to available teachers this summer **disclaimer** I'm on it! :]

French notebook - Madame Gebara asked students KEEP their French notebook, and bring it back with them to third grade next year.

Red Folders: In red folders is an envelope about something we teachers refer to as "The Summer Slide" along with a summer work packet. I am HAPPY to provide incentives for academic work to get done!

I am going to Rocky Point for 7 days of uninterrupted beach time, I will not have access to emails or text messages, but I PROMISE to respond when I return on Sunday June 4th! Thank you for your patience with me!

Monday, May 22, 2017

Last week of school!

WOW! What a week! Thank you to everyone that came to Muffins with Mom! This is my third year doing the event, and every year I am pleasantly surprised at the amount and joy and love that fills the MPR. You moms ROCK! Thank you for letting us spoil you a little bit on Friday at Muffins with Mom (pictures coming soon).

The last week of school tends to be an emotional rollercoaster. In my experience it is best for the students to keep it as routine as possible, and our end of year celebration as laid back and relaxing as possible, there is a lot of unknowns coming up in their lives. While summer is exciting it is an anticipated change in routine for them, as well as knowing a new classroom, teacher, and expectations will await them in the fall. This can cause a little anxiety. I have found it best to keep the last day celebration "chill". Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

Summer birthdays: If your student has a summer birthday and you'd like to send in a treat and have them celebrate this week, I totally support that! Just send me an email letting me know what day you'd like to do it :]

This week we will enter into 3rd grade boot camp! We will spend the week discussing what is expected of 3rd graders and sharpening our skills. Monday-Wednesday will be learning as usual, with math and Spalding review. Thursday we will hone in on our skill of team work while completing a few camp related STEM challenges, like building a shelter! On Friday the room will be transformed into a campout! We will enjoy s'mores and a movie!

Friday, May 12, 2017

Announcements: There should be something that looks like this in your child's backpack, please open it and enjoy a few laughs and warm fuzzies Sunday for Mother's Day! These were SO fun to make with your kiddos, they LOVE you! Here is a link to a video we made for you, please go easy on me, it was my first time, I am not a producer by any means, but the thought (and love) was there!

Happy Mother's Day! Thank you for everything you do for your children and for me! Here's to hoping you wake up late to a clean home and brunch waiting for you!

Check out the fun we had this week:

O is for OUTSIDE! We had so much fun learning in the outdoor classroom!

Mrs. Smith was asked to help in first grade on Friday, so look who came in to help us! COACH COOK!

Here is a look at our learning next week:

Language arts: Next week will be a busy one! We will take a computerized test to measure our progress in second grade, because of this test, we will have new spelling words on Monday, and review words on Tuesday and Wednesday. In grammar we will review as well! Students will practice classifying sentences, completing contractions, and capitalizing proper nouns!

Math: Next week we will work hard and play hard in math! We will take our end of year assessments, both on the computer and on paper. Students will have 2 minutes to do as many addition problems as they can, then 2 minutes to do as many subtraction problems, and finally 2minutes to do as many multiplication problems as they can! We will spend time playing review games and working hard!

Science: We are done with science for the year! We will do some fun, hands on STEM activities this week to celebrate!

History: In History students will spring forward in history from the Civil War to a time when the United States was booming! We are starting our short unit on immigration! Students will learn where immigrants settled, and describe some contributions made by immigrants. We will also learn how immigrants can become citizens!

Friday, May 5, 2017


Thank you for all the teacher love this week! I am SO spoiled, in what other career do you get to do what you love, have fun ALL DAY LONG, and get spoiled for an ENTIRE WEEK? You all made me feel so special this week, every card full of heart felt messages and secret codes that I had to crack made me teary eyed. I am one lucky girl, please know that I do not take that for granted. I am so lucky to work at a school with so much parent support!

DIBELS - This week Mrs. Smith and I got to sit down and hear each student read to us individually. Their scores are then compared to how they read at the beginning of the year, and man, am I blown away at the growth! Stay tuned for an email about your child's specific growth!

Mothers Day - You're invited to Muffins with Mom! We would love to see you, spoil you, and spend some time with you on Friday, May 19th at 8:15! Please sign up here if you're able to come!

A-Z Countdown:
L (Mon) - Lunch with the teacher day! On Monday students will eat with me!
M (Tues) - Movie Day! Students will watch a few scenes from Sarah, Plain and Tall
N (Wed) - Nickel Day - Students need to bring a nickel to school, we will sort and graph them by year!
O (Thurs) - Outside day! We will do our math lesson (first thing in morning, keep for fingers crossed for weather under 90 degrees before 9AM) outside today!
P (Fri) - Popcorn day! We will eat popcorn and do a fun popcorn craft!

Here's a peek at our week:

Look at this adorable dog Aiden SEWED for me!

Working hard!

In our concert best!

Thank you for spoiling us all week! We LOVE you!

What're we learning next week?

Language arts: Students will finish publishing a super secret project in grammar! In literature we will read chapters 9 and 10 in Little House in the Big Woods. We will journey with the Ingalls family as summertime comes.  We will learn how they collect honey and make cheese!

Math: We will review again next week, spending time on money, fractions, time, and graphs! Scholars have done such great work this year! These review weeks are so encouraging because we see so much growth!

Science: We will learn about cells, and make our very own cell on a sugar cookie!

History: We will review important topics from our civil war unit. We will discuss the importance of Harriet B. Stowe, Harriet Tubman, Abraham Lincoln, and Generals Lee and Grant! We will then introduce an exciting unit on early immigration in the U.S.! I encourage you to share with your children family stories about coming to the "melting pot"! Every year, this topic in history provides for some interesting conversation! :]