We celebrated the end of our Greek Unit by making Laurel Wreaths, and we had to work together to create our own countries. The theme for the week was COMPROMISE!
Updates and Announcements:
Great Hearts Day: On Tuesday we will be celebrating friendship all day for Great Hearts Day! We will have a virtue award assembly in the morning, and a celebration in the classroom from 2:00-2:30. While I don't need help for the celebration, you are more than welcome to come in and feel the joy of friendship!
Field day: We are Persia and our color is BLUE! Students can decorate shirts, and are allowed to wear athletic clothing. Please email me if you are able to donate a cooler, ice, snacks, or mini water bottles.
Here is a look at our coming week:
Language Arts: In Spalding next week we will learn CURSIVE! The students are SO excited to start on this adventure! We will not have spelling words next week, and Spalding homework will be to practice cursive letter formation. A packet will be coming home Monday night for parental reference as well. As we move forward, students will choose whether they want to write in cursive or manuscript, but Mrs. Smith and I will switch to writing in cursive. In third grade students will have a cursive refresher at the beginning of the year, but will be expected to be able to read cursive from the get-go! In literature we will finish Cricket in Times Square! It has been so wonderful to watch the students fall in love with the characters. In grammar we will continue to diagram sentences and work on writing paragraphs.
Math: We will finish up our unit on multiplication and division with a test on Thursday. Wednesday math centers and Wednesday night homework will provide great review and practice for Thursday's test. On Friday the students will be introduced to our new unit, MONEY through review of coins and their value!
Science: Next week we will take our test over the Human Body on Thursday! Please help you scholar review their study guide at home and ask them to tell you how much they remember about each body system, healthy eating, cells, tissues, and organs! We will be playing a "Jeopardy" style game in class!
History: We will continue to study the Constitution, and learn about our Founding Fathers. We will discuss the Anti-Federalists and what they stood for!