Friday, September 2, 2016

Heading into week 5!

Hello sweet families of 2C!

We are welcoming a three day weekend, and looking forward to week 5 of second grade! I will be cheering on the Sun Devils from Flagstaff this weekend and hope to soak up some cooler weather, ride a quad, and spend time with my parents and sister. I hope your family has something sweet planned, and I can't wait to hear about your weekend adventures from the students on Tuesday!

We have some big announcements:

September service project: For the month of September the second grade will be collecting dog food, toys, and beds for an organization near and dear to my heart. It is a rescue organization here in the east valley that focuses on rescuing dogs put on the euthanasia list at the pound, called Underdog Rescue. We found our fur baby Chief through this organization!

Baby Chief and teenager Chief
This service project ties in well with our new virtue of the month Citizenship, as well as our upcoming history unit on Modern Japan (in Japan students are expected to serve their school and their families). Please send in donations with your student throughout the month of September. If your student will need assistance bringing the donation into class, please send me an email and I will be happy to help!

Grandparents Day Assembly: This coming Friday, September 9, we will welcome parents and grandparents to our first assembly of the school year. We have a treat in store for you! Please see this post for more details

We had so much fun this past week! From working out mental math problems on the whiteboard, to writing about virtuous friendships inside a spider. Things are looking pretty wonderful in 2C!
Rocking the mental math!

We threw yard to a friend and gave them a compliment. We ended up with a beautiful "friendship web!"

Using Charlotte as an example for a virtuous friend!

Sweet friends working together

2C is full of great friendships

Here is a look at our learning for next week:
Language arts: Due to the short week we will only have twenty spelling words this week. 10 will be given on Tuesday and 10 on Wednesday. We will continue to learn about punctuation rules in grammar.
Literature: We will continue to watch Charlotte and Wilbur's friendship blossom as the Arable family travels to the fair! We will identify Charlotte's talents, our own talents, and talents in our friends! Students will take a closer look at spider webs to see how intricate they are, and how they are formed!

Math: We will continue to practice our mental math within 1000 through practice, practice, and more practice! Singapore's coined saying is "practice makes permanent!" This week we will be working hard to make those math facts permanent!

Science: Next week we will move from learning about the seasonal cycle to learning about life cycles. We will begin by studying the life cycle of a chicken! What came first the chicken or the egg? What do chicks do in science class? (EGGsperiments!)
Who tells the best jokes? (comedi-HENS!)

History: We are so excited to see all of the students Island Projects next week! Please remember that they are due on Wednesday Students will have an opportunity to present their islands to the class throughout the week. We will also review for our first history unit test, which students will take on Friday (study guides will be sent home Tuesday). After our test on Friday we will introduce our next unit Modern Japan!